COVID-19: Partial reopening

Dear customers,
Last Monday, the Quebec government announced that it would allow car dealerships to reopen as of today, Wednesday, April 15.
Our service department will therefore be open this week from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (today, Thursday and Friday). As of next Monday, April 20, all our departments (body shop, parts, service and detailing) with the exception of the sales department, will reopen with their regular schedule, Monday to Friday:
In order to ensure the safety of our customers and employees, we follow the government recommendations to a T.
That is why it will be essential to respect the following instructions for your next appointment:
- Only customers who have made an appointment will have access to the dealership.
Please do not come to our dealership before your appointment. You can book it by contacting us by telephone at 819 563-6622 or by e-mail at Thank you for being patient and understanding about the delay of the return call: we are currently managing a very high volume of calls and emails and our team is working hard to be able to welcome you as soon as possible.
- For those who had an appointment scheduled between March 23rd and April 14th, a member of our team will contact you shortly to schedule your next appointment.
- If you already had an appointment scheduled in the next few days or weeks, it will be honoured unless we advise you otherwise.
- Several disinfection methods are in place to ensure that your vehicle is perfectly safe once the appointment is over.
- We invite you not to wait on-site during your appointment.
However, if you must remain in the dealership during your appointment, please be assured that all measures are taken to ensure your safety. All common areas and surfaces are disinfected several times a day (chairs in the service department waiting room, dealership door handles, bathrooms as well as counters and desks) and the chairs in the service department waiting room have been moved to leave a 2 m distance between them.
- The shuttle service is very limited (1 person/vehicle) and is reserved for people working for an essentiel service.
Also, please note that our sales department continues to be 100% online.
- We can deliver your new vehicle to your home.
- Home test drives available.
- Appointment booking and questions: Our website ( allows you to book an appointment online and our chat tool is open from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. to answer your questions.
- You can also reach us by telephone at 819 563-6622.
In addition, we would like to inform you that, in these exceptional circumstances, Toyota Financial Services supports you with a reduction in your payments, on a case-by-case basis. You can request reduced payments by accessing your account from the comfort of your home *. It’s available 24/7, and it’s the fastest way to do it. In the event of technical problems due to too much traffic on the site, it is recommended that you use a tablet or smartphone to connect to the portal.
You can also request reduced payments by calling the Toyota Financial
Services customer service center by calling
1 800 661-3062.
Finally, we ask our employees and customers to be civic-minded and not show up at a dealership if they or someone close to them presents symptoms of COVID-19 in order to stop the spread of the virus.
Thank you for your trust and we look forward to serving you soon.
The Sherbrooke Toyota team
* Be sure to enter the address of the home where you lived when purchasing your vehicle. We recommend using a tablet or mobile to log in to your account. Also, when you will enter your monthly payment, it’s important to write the exact monthly payment and put a comma rather than a period (e.g.: $ 79,95).