*For specific conditions applicable to each offer, click on the vehicle’s illustration and on "See offer legal". Suggested retail price, lease or finance offer include dealer fees of up to $899, transport and preparation charges, tire duties and air conditioning charge, if applicable. Registration, insurance, RDPRM registration fee and lien registering agent fee as well as taxes are extra. If applicable, incentives are included in lease and finance offers and retail price and are granted after the calculation of applicable taxes. However, for calculation purposes only and presentation of offers on this site, incentives are applied before taxes. For full and accurate vehicle availability and a detailed quote, please contact your local Dealer. Lease and purchase financing provided through Toyota Canada Inc. upon credit approval by Toyota Financial Services. Subject to applicable conditions, offers are available to individuals who lease or purchase a vehicle by February 28, 2025, at a participating dealer of the Association des concessionnaires Toyota du Québec, where all the details can be obtained. Dealer may lease or sell for less. Offers are subject to change without notice.